Vicks SpeedRead Digital Thermometer with Fever InSight (V912)

Battery Update Information:

Please note, the Vicks SpeedRead Digital Thermometer w/Fever InSight has received a battery update & new Power button design. You can tell which battery your thermometer has by referencing its Power button below.

NEW Power Button (Model Numbers: V912USV2 & V912USV3, V912BBUSV2 & V912BBUSV3)
Battery Type: 3V, CR1632 Silver Oxide type or equivalent
new power button





Previous Power Button (Model Numbers: V912US & V912USV1)
Battery Type: 3V, CR1225 Silver Oxide type or equivalent


Question: How do I change the battery on my thermometer?

The VICKS® SpeedRead Digital Thermometer features a long life, mercury free battery. When the down arrow appears in the lower right of the display, the battery is exhausted and needs replacing.

  1. Slide the battery cap away from the unit and carefully remove the battery with a non-metallic pointed instrument.
  2. Replace the battery with a 3V, CR1632 or CR1225 Silver Oxide type or equivalent (reference your battery type above).
  3. Insert the new battery with the positive (+) side facing the display side of the unit.
  4. Carefully slide the battery cap back into place, making sure that the cap is secure to protect the battery compartment from moisture.
  5. Properly discard the old battery. Keep out of reach of young children, elderly and pets.
Question: What is the best way to achieve an accurate reading from my thermometer?

Answer: Our Vicks Digital Thermometers are for oral, rectal or underarm use. Whichever method is used, it is recommended that for 15 minutes prior to use avoid eating or drinking any liquids, exercising, taking showers or baths or smoking.

Question: How do I change my thermometer from Celsius to Fahrenheit?


  1. With the thermometer in the OFF position, hold down the center button until the display shows Lo. Release the button.
  2. To choose desired scale, press the button again to move between the “F” or “C” icon shown below the Lo. Once the “C” or “F” starts to blink, push the button again to turn off the thermometer.
  3. You can now turn on the thermometer and the display will be in Fahrenheit (F) or Celsius (C) based on the scale you set in the above steps. Your thermometer will return to Fahrenheit (F) readings when you replace your battery. You can repeat this process to switch to Celsius (C).
Question: Which retailers sell this thermometer?

Answer: You can find the Vicks SpeedRead Digital Thermometer at the following retailers: Amazon, CVS, Meijer, Target and Walmart.

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