Vicks No-Touch 3-In-1 Thermometer (VNT200)
Question: How do I change the temperature scale form Celsius to Fahrenheit (or vice versa) on my thermometer?
To change your thermometer from Celsius to Fahrenheit or vice versa, please follow the below steps:
- Press and hold the MODE button for 3 seconds. The LCD screen will display the word “Unit” in the center of the screen and °F in the right top corner.
- Press the mode button to change from °F to °C
- Then press the MEMO button to save the setting.
Question: How do I change the battery on my thermometer?
Answer: Your thermometer will display a flashing battery symbol on the LCD screen, signaling it is time to change the batteries.
- First slide open the battery cover on the back of the thermometer and remove the dead batteries.
- Insert 2 new AAA batteries, being sure to align properly as indicated inside the battery door compartment.
- Slide the cover back on.
Question: Is there a way to view the last temperature taken on my thermometer?
Your thermometer allows you to view the last 10 temperature readings by pressing the “MEMO” button. The most recent temperature will display on the LCD screen. To view the next most recent temperature taken, press the “MEMO” button again.
To clear the memory of previous temperatures, press and hold the “MEMO” button for 4 seconds.
Question: How do I clean my thermometer?
Answer: We recommend cleaning the thermometer between uses. Using an alcohol swab or a cotton swab moistened with alcohol (70% Isopropyl), please follow the below steps:
- Carefully wipe the thermometer casing and measuring probe for 90 seconds.
- After wiping, allow thermometer to air dry.
- Be sure to wait 10 minutes before taking a new measurement.
Question: What is the best way to achieve an accurate reading from my thermometer?
- Let the thermometer and the individual being measured acclimate to the temperature of the room in which the measurement will be taken for 30 minutes.
- Be sure to wipe away any sweat with a dry cloth. Sweat can cool skin resulting in a false reading. Ensure that the forehead is clean and free from any hair. If you clean the forehead or move hair away from the forehead, wait 10 minutes before taking a measurement.
- Hold parallel to the forehead.
- Make sure the individual you are measuring keeps their head still.
- Hold the thermometer steady. DO NOT swipe!
- DO NOT move the thermometer until you hear the final beep.
Question: How do I take a food or bath reading?
- With the device powered On, press the MODE button to switch from human to surface temperature. The screen will change from “body” to “surface temp” on the top of the LCD screen.
- Position thermometer 0.4-2 inches (1-5 cm) away from food or bath water. Ensure that you are aiming directly at the food or bath water and not at the food container or walls of the bathtub. Ensure that the thermometer is not directly in-line of steam, as this can impact reading. DO NOT touch food or bath water with the thermometer.
- Press the POWER button to take a temperature measurement.
- A confirmation beep will be heard, indicating the measurement is complete. The temperature measurement will be displayed on the LCD screen. Please note the backlight will be green regardless of temperature measurement when in food/bath mode.
Question: How do I mute the sounds on my thermometer?
- After setting the Fahrenheit/Celsius setting, the screen will then change to the Mute function. The display will show the speaker icon and the word “On.”
- Press the MODE button to change to “Off” to mute the sound.
- Press the MEMO button to save selection.